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一九六四年九月五日於共和國政府大樓 ——AMÉRICO DEUS RODRIGUES THOMAZ ——António de Oliveira Salazar ——José Gonçalo da Cunha Sottomayor Correia de Oliveira ——Manuel Gomes de Araújo ——Alfredo Rodrigues dos Santos Júnior ——João de Matos Antunes Varela ——António Manuel Pinto Barbosa ——Joaquim da Luz Cunha ——Fernando Quintanilha Mendonça Dias ——Alberto Marciano Gorjão Franco Nogueira ——Eduardo de Arantes e Oliveira ——António Augusto Peixoto Correia ——Inocêncio Galvão Teles ——Luís Maria Teixeira Pinto ——Carlos Gomes da Silva Ribeiro ——José João Gonçalves de Proença ——Francisco Pereira Neto de Carvalho.



The States Parties to this Convention have agreed as follows:


Scope of the Convention


1. This Convention shall apply in respect of:

a) offences against penal law;

b) acts which, whether or not they are offences, may or do jeopardize the safety of the aircraft or of persons or property therein or which jeopardize good order and discipline on board.

2. Except as provided in Chapter III, this Convention shall apply in respect of offences committed or acts done by a person on board any aircraft registered in a Contracting State, while that aircraft is in flight or on the surface of the high seas or of any other area outside the territory of any State.

3. For the purposes of this Convention, an aircraft is considered to be in flight from the moment when power is applied for the purpose of take-off until the moment when the landing run ends.

4. This Convention shall not apply to aircraft used in military, customs or police services.


Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 4 and except when the safety of the aircraft or of persons or property on board so requires, no provision of this Convention shall be interpreted as authorizing or requiring any action in respect of offences against penal laws of a political nature or those based on racial or religious discrimination.




1. The State of registration of the aircraft is competent to exercise jurisdiction over offences and acts committed on board.

2. Each Contracting State shall take such measures as may be necessary to establish its jurisdiction as the State of registration over offences committed on board aircraft registered in such State.

3. This Convention does not exclude any criminal jurisdiction exercised in accordance with national law.


A Contracting State which is not the State of registration may not interfere with an aircraft in flight in order to exercise its criminal jurisdiction over an offence committed on board except in the following cases:

a) the offence has effect on the territory of such State;

b) the offence has been committed by or against a national or permanent resident of such State;

c) the offence is against the security of such State;

d) the offence consists of a breach of any rules or regulations relating to the flight or manoeuvre of aircraft in force in such State;

e) the exercise of jurisdiction is necessary to ensure the observance of any obligation of such State under a multilateral international agreement.


Powers of the aircraft commander


1. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to offences and acts committed or about to be committed by a person on board an aircraft in flight in the airspace of the State of registration or over the high seas or any other area outside the territory of any State unless the last point of take-off or the next point of intended landing is situated in a State other than that of registration, or the aircraft subsequently flies in the airspace of a State other than that of registration with such person still on board.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 1, paragraph 3, an aircraft shall for the purpose of this chapter, be considered to be in flight at any time from the moment when all its external doors are closed following embarkation until the moment when any such door is opened for disembarkation. In the case of a forced landing, the provisions of this chapter shall continue to apply with respect to offences and acts committed on board until competent authorities of a State take over the responsibility for the aircraft and for the persons and property on board.


1. The aircraft commander may, when he has reasonable grounds to believe that a person has committed, or is about to commit, on board the aircraft, an offence or act contemplated in Article 1, paragraph 1, impose upon such person reasonable measures including restraint which are necessary:

a) to protect the safety of the aircraft, or of persons or property therein; or

b) to maintain good order and discipline on board; or

c) to enable him to deliver such person to competent authorities or to disembark him in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

2. The aircraft commander may require or authorize the assistance of other crew members and may request or authorize, but not require, the assistance of passengers to restrain any person whom he is entitled to restrain.

Any crew member or passenger may also take reasonable preventive measures without such authorization when he has reasonable grounds to believe that such action is immediately necessary to protect the safety of the aircraft, or of persons or property therein.


1. Measures of restraint imposed upon a person in accordance with Article 6 shall not be continued beyond any point at which the aircraft lands unless:

a) such point is in the territory of a non-Contracting State and its authorities refuse to permit disembarkation of that person or those measures have been imposed in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, c), in order to enable his delivery to competent authorities;

b) the aircraft makes a forced landing and the aircraft commander is unable to deliver that person to competent authorities; or

c) that person agrees to onward carriage under restraint.

2. The aircraft shall as soon as practicable, and if possible before landing in the territory of a State with a person on board who has been placed under restraint in accordance with the provisions of Article 6, notify the authorities of such State of the fact that a person on board is under restraint and of the reasons for such restraint.


1. The aircraft commander may, in so far as it is necessary for the purpose of subparagraph a) or b) of paragraph 1 of Article 6, disembark in the territory of any State in which the aircraft lands any person who he has reasonable grounds to believe has committed, or is about to commit, on board the aircraft an act contemplated in Article 1, paragraph 1, b).

2. The aircraft commander shall report to the authorities of the State in which he disembarks any person pursuant to this article, the fact of, and the reasons for, such disembarkation.


1. The aircraft commander may deliver to the competent authorities of any Contracting State in the territory of which the aircraft lands any person who he has reasonable grounds to believe has committed on board the aircraft an act which, in his opinion, is a serious offence according to the penal law of the State of registration of the aircraft.

2. The aircraft commander shall as soon as practicable and if possible before landing in the territory of a Contracting State with a person on board whom the aircraft commander intends to deliver in accordance with the preceding paragraph, notify the authorities of such State of his intention to deliver such person and the reasons therefor.

3. The aircraft commander shall furnish the authorities to whom any suspected offender is delivered in accordance with the provisions of this article with evidence and information which, under the law of the State of registration of the aircraft, are lawfully in his possession.


For actions taken in accordance with this Convention, neither the aircraft commander, any other member of the crew, any passenger, the owner or operator of the aircraft, nor the person on whose behalf the flight was performed shall be held responsible in any proceeding on account of the treatment undergone by the person against whom the actions were taken.


Unlawful seizure of aircraft


1. When a person on board has unlawfully committed by force or threat thereof an act of interference, seizure, or other wrongful exercise of control of an aircraft in flight or when such an act is about to be committed. Contracting States shall take all appropriate measures to restore control of the aircraft to its lawful commander or to preserve his control of the aircraft.

2. In the cases contemplated in the preceding paragraph, the Contracting State in which the aircraft lands shall permit its passengers and crew to continue their journey as soon as practicable, and shall return the aircraft and its cargo to the persons lawfully entitled to possession.


Powers and duties of states


Any Contracting State shall allow the commander of an aircraft registered in another Contracting State to disembark any person pursuant to Article 8, paragraph 1.


1. Any Contracting State shall take delivery of any person whom the aircraft commander delivers pursuant to Article 9, paragraph 1.

2. Upon being satisfied that the circumstances so warrant, any Contracting State shall take custody or other measures to ensure the presence of any person suspected of an act contemplated in Article 11, paragraph 1 and of any person of whom it has taken delivery. The custody and other measures shall be as provided in the law of that State but may only be continued for such time as is reasonably necessary to enable any criminal or extradition proceedings to be instituted.

3. Any person in custody pursuant to the previous paragraph shall be assisted in communicating immediately with the nearest appropriate representative of the State of which he is a national.

4. Any Contracting State, to which a person is delivered pursuant to Article 9, paragraph 1, or in whose territory an aircraft lands following the commission of an act contemplated in Article 11, paragraph 1, shall immediately make a preliminary enquiry into the facts.

5. When a State, pursuant to this article, has taken a person into custody, it shall immediately notify the State of registration of the aircraft and the State of nationality of the detained person and, if it considers it advisable, any other interested State of the fact that such person is in custody and of the circumstances which warrant his detention. The State which makes the preliminary enquiry contemplated in paragraph 4 of this article shall promptly report its findings to the said States and shall indicate whether it intends to exercise jurisdiction.


1. When any person has been disembarked in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 1, or delivered in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 1, or has disembarked after committing an act contemplated in Article 11, paragraph 1, and when such person cannot or does not desire continue his journey and the State of landing refuses to admit him, that State may, if the person in question is not a national or permanent resident of that State, return him to the territory of the State of which he is a national or permanent resident or to the territory of the State in which he began his journey by air.

2. Neither disembarkation, nor delivery, nor the taking of custody or other measures contemplated in Article 13, paragraph 2, nor return of the person concerned, shall be considered as admission to the territory of the Contracting State concerned for the purpose of its law relating to entry or admission of persons and nothing in this Convention shall affect the law of a Contracting State relating to the expulsion of persons from its territory.


1. Without prejudice to Article 14, any person who has been disembarked in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 1, or has disembarked after committing an act contemplated in Article 11, paragraph 1, and who desires to continue his journey shall be at liberty as soon as practicable to proceed to any destination of his choice unless his presence is required by the law of the State of landing for the purpose of extradition or criminal proceedings.

2. Without prejudice to its law as to entry and admission to, and extradition and expulsion from its territory, a Contracting State in whose territory a person has been disembarked in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 1, or delivered in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 1, or has disembarked and is suspected of having committed an act contemplated in Article 11, paragraph 1, shall accord to such person treatment which is no less favourable for his protection and security than that accorded to nationals of such Contracting State in like circumstances.


Other provisions


1. Offences committed on aircraft registered in a Contracting State shall be treated, for the purpose of extradition, as if they had been committed not only in the place in which they have occurred but also in the territory of the State of registration of the aircraft.

2. Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, nothing in this Convention shall be deemed to create an obligation to grant extradition.


In taking any measures for investigation or arrest or otherwise exercising jurisdiction in connection with any offence committed on board an aircraft the Contracting States shall pay due regard to safety and other interests of air navigation and shall so act as to avoid unnecessary delay of the aircraft, passengers, crew or cargo.


If Contracting States establish joint air transport operating agencies, which operate aircraft not registered in any one State those States shall, according to the circumstances of the case, designate the State among them which, for the purposes of this Convention, shall be considered as the State of registration and shall give notice thereof to the International Civil Aviation Organization which shall communicate the notice to all States Parties to this Convention.


Final clauses


Until the date on which this Convention comes into force in accordance with the provisions of Article 21, it shall remain open for signature on behalf of any State which at that date is a Member of the United Nations or of any of the Specialized Agencies.


1. This Convention shall be subject to ratification by the signatory States in accordance with their constitutional procedures.

2. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the International Civil Aviation Organization.


1. As soon as twelve of the signatory States have deposited their instruments of ratification of this Convention, it shall come into force between them on the ninetieth day after the date of the deposit of the twelfth instrument of ratification. It shall come into force for each State ratifying thereafter on the ninetieth day after the deposit of its instrument of ratification.

2. As soon as this Convention comes into force, it shall be registered with the Secretary-General of the United Nations by the International Civil Aviation Organization.


1. This Convention shall, after it has come into force, be open for accession by any State Member of the United Nations or of any of the Specialized Agencies.

2. The accession of a State shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of accession with the International Civil Aviation Organization and shall take effect on the ninetieth day after the date of such deposit.


1. Any Contracting State may denounce this Convention by notification addressed to the International Civil Aviation Organization.

2. Denunciation shall take effect six months after the date of receipt by the International Civil Aviation Organization of the notification of denunciation.


1. Any dispute between two or more Contracting States concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention which cannot be settled through negotiation, shall, at the request of one of them, be submitted to arbitration. If within six months from the date of the request for arbitration, any one of those Parties may refer the dispute to the International Court of Justice by request in conformity with the Statute of the Court.

2. Each State may at the time of signature or ratification of this Convention or accession thereto, declare that it does not consider itself bound by the preceding paragraph with respect to any Contracting State having made such a reservation.

3. Any Contracting State having made a reservation in accordance with the preceding paragraph may at any time withdraw this reservation by notification to the International Civil Aviation Organization.


Except as provided in Article 24 no reservation may be made to this Convention.


The International Civil Aviation Organization shall give notice to all States Members of the United Nations or of any of the Specialized Agencies:

a) of any signature of this Convention and the date thereof;

b) of the deposit of any instrument of ratification or accession and the date thereof;

c) of the date on which this Convention comes into force in accordance with Article 21, paragraph 1;

d) of the receipt of any notification of denunciation made under Article 24 and the date thereof.

In witness whereof the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, having been duly authorized, have signed this Convention.

Done at Tokyo on the fourteenth day of September One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-three in three authentic texts drawn up in the English, French and Spanish languages.

This Convention shall be deposited with the International Civil Aviation Organization with which, in accordance with Article 19, it shall remain open for signature and the said Organization shall send certified copies thereof to all States Members of the United Nations or of any Specialized Agency.





第一條 —— 一、本公約適用於:






第二條 —— 在不妨害第四條規定的條件下,以及除非出於航空器及其所載人員或財產的安全需要外,本公約的任何規定均不得被解釋為准許或要求對政治性刑法或對以種族或宗教歧視為基礎的刑法的犯罪,採取某種措施。



第三條 —— 一、航空器登記國有權對在該航空器內的犯罪和所犯行為行使管轄權。



第四條 —— 非登記國的締約國除下列情況外,不得對飛行中的航空器進行干預以對航空器內的犯罪行使其刑事管轄權。








第五條 —— 一、除航空器前一起飛地點或預定的下一降落地點不在登記國領土上,或航空器繼續飛往非登記國領空,而罪犯仍在航空器內的情況外,本章規定不適用於航空器在登記國領空、公海上空或不屬於任何國家領土的其他地區上空飛行時,在航空器內所發生或行將發生的犯罪和行為。

二、雖然有第一條第三款的規定,在本章中,航空器從裝載結束、機艙外部各門關閉時開始直至打開任一機艙門以便卸載時為止的任何時候,應被認為是在飛行中。 航空器強迫降落時,本章規定對在航空器上發生的犯罪和行為仍繼續適用,直至一國主管當局接管該航空器及其所載人員和財產時為止。

第六條 —— 一、機長在有理由認為某人在航空器上已犯或行將犯第一條第一款所指的罪行或行為時,可對此人採取合理的措施,包括必要的管束措施,以便:




二、機長可以要求或授權機組其他成員給予協助,並可以請求或授權但不能強求旅客給予協助,來管束他有權管束的任何人。任何機組成員或旅客在他有理由認為必須立即採取此項行動以保證航空器或所載人員或財產的安全時,未經授權,同樣可以 採取合理的預防措施。

第七條 —— 一、按照第六條規定對一人所採取的管束措施,除下列情形外,不得在航空器降落後以外的任何地點繼續執行:

甲、此降落地點是在一非締約國的領土上,而該國當局不准許此人離開航空器, 或者已經按照第六條第一款丙項對此人採取了措施,以便將此人移交主管當局;




第八條 —— 一、機長在有理由認為某人在航空器內已犯或行將犯第一條第一款乙項所指的行為時,可在航空器降落的任何國家的領土上使該人離開航空器,如果這項措施就第六條第一款甲項或乙項所指出的目的來說是必要的。


第九條 —— 一、如機長有理由認為,任何人在航空器內犯了他認為按照航空器登記國刑法是嚴重的罪行時,他可將該人移交給航空器降落地任何締約國的主管當局。



第十條 —— 一、對於根據本公約所採取的措施,無論航空器機長、機組其他成員、旅客、航空器所有人或經營人,或本次飛行是為他而進行的人,在因遭受這些措施而提起的訴訟中,概不負責。



第十一條 —— 一、如航空器內某人非法地用暴力或暴力威脅對飛行中的航空器進行了干擾、劫持或非法控制,或行將犯此類行為時,締約國應採取一切適當措施,恢復或維護合法機長對航空器的控制。




第十二條 —— 締約各國應允許在另一締約國登記的航空器的機長按照第八條第一款的規定使任何人離開航空器。

第十三條 —— 一、締約各國應接受航空器機長按照第九條第一款的規定移交給它的人。




五、當一締約國按照本條規定將一人拘留時,應立即將拘留該人和必須對其進行拘留的情況通知航空器登記國和被拘留人的本國,如果認為適當,並通知其他有關國家。按照本條第四款規定進行初步調查的國家,應迅速將調查的結論通知上述各國, 並說明它是否意欲行使管轄權。

第十四條 —— 一、按照第八條第一款規定離開航空器的人,或依照第九條第一款規定被移交的 人,或在犯了第十一條第一款所指的行為後離開航空器的人,當其不能或不願意繼續旅行,而航空器降落國又拒絕接受他時,如此人不是該國的國民或在該國無永久住所, 該國可以將該人送返到他的本國去,或到此人有永久住所的國家去,或到此人開始空中旅行的國家去。


第十五條 —— 一、在不影響第十四條的條件下,按照第八條第一款的規定離開航空器,或按照第九條第一款的規定被移交,或在犯了第十一條第一款所指的行為後離開航空器的任何人,在他意欲繼續其旅行時,得盡速前往其選擇的目的地,除非航空器降落國法律為了刑事追訴或引渡而需要他留在境內。




第十六條 —— 一、在一締約國登記的航空器內的犯罪,在引渡問題上,應被認為不僅是發生在發生地點,而且也是發生在航空器登記國領土上。


第十七條 —— 在對航空器內的犯罪採取調查或逮捕的措施時,或以其他任何方式行使管轄權時, 各締約國應適當考慮航空器的安全和其他利益,並應避免對航空器、旅客、機組和貨物造成不必要的延誤。

第十八條 —— 如締約各國建立航空運輸聯營組織,或國際經營機構,而其所使用的航空器未向任何一國登記時,這些締約國應根據具體情況,指定其中一國,作為本公約所指的登記國,並將這一指定通知國際民用航空組織,由該組織通知本公約的所有締約國。



第十九條 —— 本公約在按第二十一條規定生效之日前,對聯合國成員國或某一專門機構的成員國的任何國家開放,聽任簽字。

第二十條 —— 一、本公約應經簽字國依照其憲法程序予以批准。


第二十一條 —— 一、本公約在十二個簽字國交存批准書並於第十二份批准書交存後的第九十天起即在這些國家之間生效。對以後批准本公約的每一個國家,本公約應在其交存批准書後的第九十天起生效。


第二十二條 —— 一、本公約生效後,凡聯合國成員國或某一專門機構的成員國都可加入。


第二十三條 —— 一、任何締約國都可通知國際民用航空組織而退出本公約。


第二十四條 —— 一、如締約國之間對本公約的解釋或引用發生爭端而不能以談判解決時,經其中一方的要求,應交付仲裁。如果在要求仲裁之日起六個月內,當事國對仲裁的組織不能達成協議時,任何一方可按照國際法院的法規提出申請書,將爭端提交國際法院。



第二十五條 —— 除第二十四條規定的情況外,對本公約不得作任何保留。

第二十六條 —— 國際民用航空組織應將下列事項通知聯合國或某一專門機構的所有成員國:









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